Peter Harris

Campaigner for Southwell & Villages Learn more

Still no details on Moorfield Court Care

by Peter Harris on 11 April, 2013

Nearly three months have gone by since the County Council knew that Anchor Care would be terminating their contract to provide Extra Care at Moorfield Court in Southwell.

Moorfield Court Southwell - a joint project between Southwell Town Council, Anchor and Notts County Council. Providing sheltered housing after NCC closed its previous homes in Southwell, and sold off the buildings, despite an election promise not to sell its Southwell homes. Southwell Town Council sold its land at well below market value to ensure that some sheltered housing was built in Southwell.

Moorfield Court Southwell – a joint project between Southwell Town Council,
Anchor and Notts County Council – providing sheltered housing after NCC
closed its previous homes in Southwell. The County Council sold off the
buildings and land for a considerable sum, despite an election promise
not to sell its Southwell homes. Southwell Town Council sold its land at
well below market value to ensure that some sheltered housing was
built in Southwell.

There have been discussions with Trustees of two Southwell Charities of how the Charities could provide extra care to the residents of Moorfield Court. Despite the County Council saying  it is is,  “looking at a number of options and will be consulting tenants and their families to decide the best way forward.” some local residents have expressed concern at the slow response of the County Council.

If the County Council is serious at working with the tenants of the extra care scheme and their families to ensure the service can continue with minimal disruption, there needs to be detailed response to the Charities’ questions.

A number of local people are saying that it seems the County Council wants a national ‘Care Company’ to provide its care contract, as this is easier for officers and the local councillor to deal with. So much for the localism that the Tories continually say they are promoting.

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